It’s strange to hear someone say God told them something, yet how many times we have known that, somehow, God was clearly responsible for a thing we said, or maybe a decision we made. Why does it seem so nebulous! For instance, if we don’t recognize when we hear Him in a situation, we can usually clearly attribute it to Him later. Yet when He speaks most clearly to us, it's easy to question later, “was that God, or just my imagination!” It’s in this manner of thinking that the sinister means of our godless humanity is exposed! Paul admitted there was “no good thing” in his flesh!
In many ways, hearing God is like feeling air. The nerve endings in all your skin are certainly feeling the presence of the air against them, but it is so natural that we have become completely unaware of it. God on the other hand, keeps the rhythm of our heart, moves the electrical impulses of our nerves, transporting thought, and causes us to breathe in and breathe out every breath we take, without us ever giving thought! He is always everywhere around us, and He's obviously speaking into our hearts!
“So, if God is always speaking to me, why can’t I hear Him?” The Bible says, “Hearing comes by the Word of God!” Adam and Eve conversed with God; they spoke with a common Spirit. When they disobeyed, the attributes that were common in talking with God died; just like He told them it would. God is a Spirit! We too have a spirit, but until it is “quickened” by the Holy Spirit, it is forbidden to hear anything of God except, “Come!” The Word of God, whether the Holy Scriptures, or Jesus, the Word in flesh, must bring to life the part of you that can again communicate with the Creator God! It is His great desire! So much so that He brought about the work on the Cross.
To know the Voice of God we must return to His plane – a feat only accomplished through Jesus. We can only use one set of ears at a time! We cannot expect to hear the Voice of God with the same ears that consume the mindless and malicious chatter of the world! We must develop “spirit-ears,” through prayer and the Word. It will come as naturally as a toddler learning to talk! As babies, we learned to talk with our parents, now simply determine to learn to communicate with your New Father! Yes, you are supposed to hear God! It’s what the Gospel’s all about.
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
~Romans 10:17 KJV
In him we live, and move, and have our being;
~Acts 17:28a KJV
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them
~Romans 1:19 KJV
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, And night unto night sheweth knowledge.
~Psalm 19:1-2 KJV
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
~John 4:24 KJV
WOW! Beautiful! Thank you, brother Terry!
Amen! Open our ears and hearts to hear You, LORD! ❤️