Forget the temporary things! 👏🏼 we all need to be reminded.

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Terry, if it's okay, I shared your devotional on my personal Bible blog. I left a link to your devotional. I'll start doing that if that's okay. I enjoy your devotionals each morning.

If you're not okay with this I''ll take down the shared post from my blog.

G-D Bless, you.

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Brother Paul, I am honored that you share these devotionals. Thank you for helping me reach more souls with the Truth. Blessings to you and yours...as our redemption draweth nigh!

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Terry, I'm honored to listen to your devotionals each morning. Your devotionals are like a hot cup of coffee and a good friend to me and truly have solid teachings that the heart can enjoy and learn from.

G-D Bless, you, brother. Have a blessed day today.

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Amen!!! "From the rising of the sun to its going down, the LORD's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3. There's no other God like our God! And no other Savior like our Messiah, Jesus!❤️

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